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The One Thing Only 1% of People Do


You cannot win the war against the world if you can' t win the war against your own mind
Self-discipline is the center of all material success
99% of people are not willing to do what it takes to make their dreams come true
The Marines have a saying " Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die "
And that's just real. At the center of bringing any dream into fruition is
Something as simple as food and eating it is not about your your body as much as it is about your mind
It's getting command of your mind to be able to choose actions that are in your own best interest
A lot of people are just trying to change a lot of times like I just did a podcast on
habits right how to be able to
Adopt new habits
And also delete and get rid of you know break bad habits
Right and so a lot of people always want to make it usually make a change on behavior
They want to get themselves to workout
They want to get themselves to meditate, they want to get themselves to read more each day
And they want to get themselves to X right, or are they gonna stop some behavior. They want to stop smoking
They don't stop eating this food. They want to stop
I always tell people stop checking your phone in the first hour of the day
You know you've heard this many times right? If you win the first hour of the day, you win the day
Every day we are choosing s**t
That's not in our own best interest
Right? So if the world is attacking you and the world wants to fight you and the world's trying to hold you down
So you gonna kick yourself in the balls?
So you will stop yourself from getting what you dream
When I want to transform or transcend or make a real positive change
I'm looking all the other areas of ourselves
So I'm looking at for example at environment: are people setting up their environment to win?
And you know social change doesn't just happen at this level of behavior
But what you have to change is the environment
So for example if you want to stop eating a certain food it helps to not have that food
In your home right? So you change the environment. In life, we must all suffer one of two pains
The pain
of discipline or the pain of regret.
I'm asking you: choose
So whatever it is that you're trying to achieve in life the critical component is getting things done and getting things done in a
systematic way
Building the character, that's associated with getting things done in this systematic way requires that you become
If we live a lazy undisciplined life, and we just give in to our feelings and we act on these emotional impulses
We're going to make very poor choices that we regret later on. We would be much better off to just discipline ourselves
right now
so that later on we don't have to carry that heavy load of regret
I think a lot of people suffer from
decision making fatigue right that then this is
very strong research saying that you can only make a certain amount of good decisions a day and
After that is spent you can anymore
and that's really been fine-tuned in the
medical field with surgeons and such in terms of seeing their you know where they're making their errors and stuff with
Early on in their day or later in their days and stuff like that, but we also as entrepreneurs
Or as employees and executives, or as parents we all can make our own decisions
And that's why you know people like Mark Zuckerberg or Tony Hsieh
They wear the same t-shirts and and sweatshirts all the time because they don't want to spend you know use up one of their
decisions thinking "Oh what am I gonna wear today?" right? So my goal is to streamline my life,
Put the routines in the first hour of the day and in the last hour of the day. I really
Micromanage to the point where it's habitual
I don't even have to think about it and then because those are the times of the day where I could really have the most impact
Because later on, in the middle day
You know team members need this there's firefighting this client needs that but the first hour and the last hour
I really want to control so all this really helped develop grit and resilience
You know in my body so I could have the ability to persevere you know so I stand guard
to my brain all the time
What goes in and I don't watch like a lot of the negative news and all the unmarked and I really focus
Like you know I watch and I listen to your show and maybe a handful of little of things I read each day
Because I need to keep it positive. I want hope and I'm looking for help. I'm looking for inspiration and also
Self-discipline is
the definition of
Self-love when you say that you love yourself that means that you have behavior towards yourself
That is loved like you say to yourself " Hey man look,
I know you want to eat that pizza, and it'll be really good. You know
But I can't let you eat that man. Cuz if you eat that pizza you gonna feel like shit
I just I love you too much to let you eat that and I think the word
Discipline has kind of gotten a bad name. We think about it in terms of punishment
I'm not talking about in in that way. I'm talking about discipline in the sense that you you forego
immediate pleasure
for the exchange of long term
Self-respect. Self love is when you say to yourself
"Man look, I know you and that girl got a real connection
I know y'all vibe, but that's your girl's cousin so
I love you too much to let you do that" Self-love is "Hey look
I know you got a test on Monday
You know you really want to go out with your friends and Saturday night
You want to go out, but if you fail that test you're not gonna feel good about yourself
You know I just I love you too much to let you go out tonight"
Self- discipline is
Self-love. If you wanna be happy you have to love yourself
Which means you have to discipline your behavior. The road to
sustained happiness is through. disciplining your behavior

The One Thing Only 1% of People Do The One Thing Only 1% of People Do Reviewed by _ on March 14, 2021 Rating: 5

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